9 effective tips to start a presentation successfully

Don’t let nerves get the best of you next time it’s your turn to make a presentation! Oral communication is one of the most valued skills in a professional career, and knowing how to make good presentations will be highly appreciated in your professional environment. Today, we’re here to give you the ultimate top-notch tips to teach you the best way to start your presentation confidently and stylishly. Sit tight and get ready to learn some good tips that will make your presentations shine!

1. Star with a banging hook

Your presentation needs a killer opening for guaranteed success. Think of your starting line like casting out a golden hook – the only way you’ll reel in an audience is with something that captures their curiosity and intrigue from the get-go! It could be an eye-opening statistic, or maybe even just asking them one powerful question. Whatever creative bait you use, make sure it isn’t too far off course from your main topic. Otherwise, they’re likely to take back their attention pretty quickly!

2. Establish clear expectations

When you’re traveling heading to an unknown destination, wouldn’t you want to have a map to guide you along the way? Similarly, when giving a presentation, it’s critical to give your audience a roadmap of what they can expect to hear. Besides, there’s nothing worse than getting lost in the middle of nowhere. Keep it clear and concise – with this guideline in hand, your public will be more likely to happily join you on your journey!

3. Quote an important figure

As the old saying goes, “To make a good first impression, dress up like a million bucks.” Well, we’re not suggesting you turn up in a designer suit, but making a strong entrance with some inspiring words can draw a distinction. Find an influential person, or choose one that has earned respect from your listeners, and cleverly quote this wisdom in brief but meaningful lines. In case you need some inspiration, have a look at Wepik’s blog article with some inspirational quotes to start with.

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4. Engage with your audience

Connecting with the people attending your presentation is like winning over new friends – you’ve got to find common ground in order to establish a personal relationship with them! There are several captivating techniques to achieve this effect:

  • Share a personal story related to your topic: this allows you to create an emotional connection with your listeners and makes you more relatable. 
  • Narrate your speech as a story: keep the public engaged so the information stick in their minds. 
  • Use some humor: inject some well-timed jokes or entertaining anecdotes. It doesn’t have to be a stand-up comedy (unless that’s your thing) – just a few lighthearted moments to keep the mood upbeat. 

5. Use repetition and silence

To maintain focus and keep your cool during a presentation, it’s strongly recommended to repeat concepts in a simple way. Repeating can help reinforce your main message, and ensure your audience doesn’t get lost in the weeds. Additionally, well-placed silences can work wonders – pauses in speech create an air of anticipation, and force your public to focus on what you’re about to say next. Just make sure your quiet moments aren’t too awkward: take a deep breath, repeat yourself when needed, and embrace the power of peacefulness!

6. Take care of your body language

During a presentation, body language is like the Batman to your Robin – it’s a sidekick that can make or break your performance. Maintain eye contact and make movements toward the stage to convey your enthusiasm and confidence. And don’t forget about controlling your facial expressions – nothing can throw off your attendees more than a face that doesn’t match the situation. So smile, frown, nod, or raise your eyebrows, but do it at the proper time and purpose. 

7. Rely on visual support

Pictures are like thousand-word storytellers, and when it comes to giving a presentation, they can be worth their weight in gold. Incorporating images, charts, or graphs will not only keep your audience’s attention but also make complex concepts easier to understand. After all, a picture speaks more than a thousand words, right? 

Make a statement by using any of Wepik’s free presentation templates or creating it with the AI presentation maker – perfect for crafting projects that reflect your unique style!

Collection of presentation templates to create your own with Wepik's online editor.

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8. Finish with a call-to-action

Ok, you’ve just wowed the public with an unforgettable lecture: they’re engaged, inspired, and ready to take on the world, but what’s next? Don’t leave your audience hanging – include a call to action that encourages them to act or make a change based on your words. Whether it’s signing up for a newsletter, visiting a website, or taking a specific action, a clear request can ensure the momentum from your presentation carries on beyond the walls of the conference room

9. Practice, practice and practice

Does practice make perfect? More like practice makes presentations! For an outstanding speech, it’s essential to rehearse (preferably in front of a mirror or supportive friends, family, or even pets). Practicing can help you perfect the timing, delivery, and nuances, as well as boosting your confidence. Plus, it always feels good to know what you’re talking about. Just like a musician rehearses before a concert, or an actor rehearses before a performance: practicing is the key to success.


Starting a presentation can be a daunting task, especially if you’re new to public speaking. However, with the right preparation and mindset, you can deliver a presentation that engages your audience and leaves a lasting impression. By incorporating the tips discussed in this post, you can start your presentation with confidence and set the stage for a successful delivery. We also recommend that you review our tips for closing your presentation in case you need to.

Remember, the key to a great presentation is not only what you say but also how you say it. So, take the time to practice and perfect your delivery, and before you know it, you’ll be a full pro!