Marketing Psychology: 16 tactics to influence consumer behavior

“Amazing things will happen when you listen to the customer” – Jonathan Mildenhall

As a business owner, you know that customers are the lifeblood of your company. Their loyalty to your products or services is critical to your success and long-term growth. To better serve them, you need to understand their behavior and preferences—and that’s where marketing psychology comes in! In this blog post, we’ll explore 16 powerful tactics and tips to unlock the secrets of consumer decision-making and propel your business to greater heights.

What is marketing psychology and how to use it responsibly?

Have you ever wondered how psychology helps marketing? Well, marketing psychology (sometimes called neuromarketing) is all about tapping into the subconscious patterns that drive our decisions and emotions. By gaining insights into these human behavioral tendencies, marketers can create content and communication strategies that deeply resonate with their target audience more profoundly than ever before.

In today’s highly competitive marketplace, it’s not enough to simply offer a great product or service. To truly stand out, you must connect with your public on an emotional level and speak to their deepest desires. Marketing psychology lends you a helping hand with this, offering invaluable insights into the human psyche and revealing opportunities to craft compelling narratives, design engaging visuals, and develop persuasive messages that speak directly to their customers’ psychological needs. Moreover, this targeted approach not only increments the likelihood of conversion but also strengthens brand loyalty and fosters durable relationships with consumers.

How to use psychology in marketing: 16 tactics that work!

Paradox of choice

Don’t worry if you’re unfamiliar with this idea, but it’s essential to embrace it in your marketing plans moving forward. This intriguing, captivating concept popularized by Barry Schwartz reveals that an abundance of options, rather than empowering us, can actually lead to increased stress and decision paralysis. Imagine standing in an aisle teeming with countless brands and variations of the same product – doesn’t it feel overwhelming? It’s precisely this kind of scenario that Schwartz masterfully dissects, demonstrating how a multitude of choices can hinder our ability to make swift and satisfying decisions, ultimately impacting conversions.

In today’s fast-paced world, where we’re constantly bombarded with myriad alternatives, recognizing the hidden potential and implications of this paradox is vital. This way, you can streamline your customer’s decision-making process and boost overall satisfaction.


No, we don’t mean social media “likes”, but you’re not off track. In marketing psychology, the liking principle posits that people are more likely to purchase from companies that they find relatable and trustworthy. In essence, people are drawn to what they genuinely like rather than what they are made to like. As a business owner, you can take advantage of this phenomenon by creating a humanized brand that highlights shared values and establishes real connections with your target audience. With effective use of social proof, engaging stories, and exceptional customer service, you can build affinity with your clients, expand sales, and ensure lasting success for your company.


There is no better endorsement than that of a happy client. Genuine user testimonials on your website or Google My Business can significantly increase the trust of potential users. With such forceful recommendations, you not only demonstrate your dedication to customer satisfaction but also provide a vivid picture of the exceptional experience they can expect. If you want to get the most out of your online professional profile, look at our Google My Business guide!

Customer reviews to boost the reputation of a project.

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FOMO / Scarcity

FOMO (or Fear of Missing Out) is a gripping experience where individuals feel left out from crucial or enjoyable pursuits their peers indulge in like everyone else is experiencing something important or enjoyable without us. This phenomenon correlates with Scarcity—the perception of scarcity and the idea that if something is limited, it must be valuable. That’s why companies capitalize on this phenomenon to drive sales, offering limited-time offers, exclusives, and other strategies that create a sense of urgency

Color psychology & brand colors

Colors are the gateway to attraction—what customers see influences their behavior. Studying how each tone impacts human choices is a big deal in marketing and branding since different colors can elicit different emotions and reactions from consumers. Color psychology is an incredibly powerful tool that can help brands cultivate strong bonds with their clients, so your brand colors cannot be chosen at random! In order to make a wise choice, check our articles about color psychology in branding and how to choose the best colors for your business.

Banner showing the meaning of the different colors in brand psychology

Learn more about Color Psychology

Psychology of gift giving

Gift-giving isn’t merely a kind gesture; it’s a potent marketing strategy. By leveraging the psychology of gift giving through offering gift certificates and loyalty cards, businesses can build trust, form connections, and enhance their reputation, leading to increased sales. This approach taps into the psychology of reciprocity, making customers feel appreciated and more likely to return. It’s not just about immediate revenue but fostering long-term customer relationships.

A Coffee Shop loyalty card

Exclusive access

One of the things customers cherish most is the feeling of being special, but how to achieve that? Let them in on a secret—exclusive access to your most worthwhile products! By offering reservations or pre-advice on desired items, you can acquire valuable leads and gain access to their contact information for future campaigns. Plus, this strategy creates excitement around your products, increasing demand and ensuring a steady flow of loyal buyers


Marketing psychology employs this potent tool that involves the impact of prior exposure to stimuli on subsequent behavior. Through strategic exposure of customers to specific images, sounds, or words, marketers can subtly shape their attitudes and behaviors towards your brand or product. This phenomenon is the secret weapon behind effective campaigns that resonate with your audience, curating a lasting impression that drives consumer engagement and propels sales.

Offering a gift with a purchase

Happy clients are like the gasoline that pushes your company forward, and a very simple yet effective method to build loyalty is giving them a little something extra. Whether it’s a small gift, a detail or discount, this gesture not only shows appreciation for your customers but also enhances their overall experience and creates positive associations with your brand. Plus, satisfied consumer is more likely to share their positive experiences, spreading the word and attracting new potential buyers to your business.

Use a call to action (CTA)

As you may already be concerned, CTAs play a crucial role in driving user engagement and conversions. And when it comes to crafting call-to-actions, simplicity is your best ally. Go for unique, visually stunning calls-to-actions that grab attention and clearly convey what action you want users to take. Your CTA should meld with your design and messaging, but still be bold enough to motivate users to take action. 

Reason why

Baffled by too many options? As a business owner, you can make it easy for your clients to choose by presenting them with a well-structured table of benefits for your various services! This simple and clear overview of each service’s advantages is sure to attract attention and make decision-making much faster. Not only will this approach streamline the user experience and improve customer satisfaction, but it will also increase your conversion rates.

Price reasoning to make the customers understang the purchase they're making.

Holiday promotions

If you are interested in the world of special promotions, then you should take full advantage of holidays. Tap into the excitement of the most popular sale events like Black Friday, Cyber Monday, Christmas, and Valentine’s Day, to name a few. But don’t stop there! Customize promotions based on your industry or customer base to make a lasting impression. These key periods of increased consumer spending can skyrocket your revenue and build stronger connections with your clients. Unsure of how to design effective marketing materials for these dates? Our Black Friday and Cyber Monday post blog can guide you!

Black Friday and Cyber Monday poster templates collage with two amazing editable templates with black and blue backgrounds and sales messages on them

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IKEA effect

You’d never guess there was a psychological condition associated with the name of the furniture giant, would you? Well, this theory highlights the fascinating bias that makes us treasure the things we build, as we value imperfect products we’ve assembled more than polished ones we’ve only bought. By incorporating elements of customization, self-assembly or personalization in products or services, businesses can foster a strong sense of ownership and pride, making what we create feel even more special and priceless.


We all know that psychology is entirely theoretical, but luckily for you, they’re all extremely valuable! When it comes to framing, this psychological concept shows how the way information is presented can sway people’s perceptions of choices and decisions. Businesses can harness this knowledge to increase sales by strategically framing offers, discounts, and product descriptions in a way that appeals to customers’ emotions and preferences. With the right approach, your products and services will become irresistible.

Use an expert or a celebrity to promote

Just as we always listen to our parents’ guidance, we also pay attention to what celebrities have to say. Building a relationship with a celebrity promotes trust among potential clients and puts your brand on the map. Of course, we cannot forget the experts here—these well-known figures bring credibility, expertise, and aspirational qualities that will boost the perceived value of your product. Plus, the vast reach of these pros amplifies brand visibility, increases consumer interest, and ultimately leads to higher sales.

Saved money should be displayed so the customers see how much money they're saving with each choice.

Display the saved amount

Last but not least,  customers love snagging high-end products at discounted prices. And we’re not talking small savings—show just how much you can save. By emphasizing the difference between the original and new prices, we’ll tap into the purchaser’s desire for value and savings, and create a sense of urgency to act fast. The result? More sales and happy clients—a win-win for both!


You’ve arrived at the end of our marketing psychology masterclass! If you’ve missed anything—you can always come back to this useful article on the Wepik blog. And to help you get started, we’ve prepared a handy summary of our top tips. Get ready to supercharge your business strategy!

  • The paradox of choice: simplify choices to ease decision-making and boost satisfaction.
  • Liking: humanize your brand for reliability and trustworthiness.
  • Testimonials: showcase genuine client endorsements to build trust.
  • FOMO/scarcity: use limited-time offers to create urgency and drive sales.
  • Color psychology: choose brand colors strategically to influence consumer behavior.
  • Psychology of gift giving: Fosters trust, enhances reputation, and encourages long-term customer relationships with gift certificates or loyalty cards.
  • Exclusive access: offer exclusivity to generate excitement and loyalty.
  • Priming: use strategic stimuli to shape customer attitudes and behaviors.
  • Gift with purchase: provide small gifts or discounts to show appreciation and build customer loyalty.
  • Call to action: use simple, visual CTAs for clear user engagement.
  • Reason why: present a well-structured table of benefits for easier decision-making.
  • Holiday promotions: boost revenue with special deals.
  • IKEA effect: add customization to foster a sense of ownership.
  • Framing: make appeal to customers’ emotions and preferences.
  • Expert/celebrity promotion: collaborate with celebrities or experts for trust and visibility.
  • Display saved amount: emphasize savings to drive sales.